Submission procedure (update June 2024)
Guidelines for submitting after the official deadline
How to follow and check submissions
IPR Guidance document - part 1
IPR - Guidance document - part 2
MS and EC’s Common Understanding
User guide for B to G data flows
User guide for H to K data flows
e-Reporting (datasets H-K): provisional answers to questions collated from different sources
PaPeRs for plans and programme

Plans and Programmes e-Reporting System (PaPeRS)

This software, developed by JRC, Ispra and hosted at the EEA supports air quality experts in preparation of XML files for reporting on data flows H to K.

These files then should be uploaded by authorised national representatives to the EEA’s Central Data Repository (see at:

A standalone solution has been also made available for those reporting authorities who would want to deploy the system as part of their own infrastructure: source code, provided through git repository, is available here.

Please note that, as such, access to the PaPeRS software does not authorise air quality experts to report AQ Plans and Programmes to the EEA.

Access to PaPeRS

The Plans and Programmes tool (PaPeRS)can be accessed through the centralized EEA solution:

From the link above you will be redirected to the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) website in order to access PaPeRS.

  • Log in to the European Commission Authentication System (ECAS) using an account created for your professional email address.
  • If you do not have an ECAS account yet follow the login link and register.
  • When logging in remember to use correct domain (“External” for most of the users).
  • In case of any problems with your ECAS account contact ECAS Helpdesk.
  • Make sure that you have been granted access to the system by relevant national administrators (see below)

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact AQ-IPR Helpdesk.

PaPeRS User Manual

User guidance for the system is available here

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact AQ-IPR Helpdesk.

Code lists

Adjustment Source Type adjustmentsourcetype Model or objective estimation input parametersmodelparameter
Adjustment Type adjustmenttype Model typemodeltype
Aggregation Process aggregationprocess Namespacenamespace
Air Quality Pollutants pollutant Network Typenetworktype
Airbase administrative levels administrativelevel Objective Typeobjectivetype
Analytical Techniques analyticaltechnique Observation Unitobservationunit
AQ Assessment & Management Zone Type zonetype Observation Validityobservationvalidity
AQ Plans – Measure Classification measureclassification Observation Verificationobservationverification
AQ Plans – Measure implementation status measureimplementationstatus Organisational Levelorganisationallevel
AQ Plans – Measure Type measuretype Primary observation rangeprimaryObservationRange
AQ Plans – Source Sectors sourcesectors primary Observation Range – Country specific (temporary)primaryObservationRangeCountry
AQ Plans – Spatial Scale spatialscale Primary Observations TimeprimaryObservation
AQ Plans – Status AQ Plan statusaqplan Process Parameterprocessparameter
AQ Plans – Timeascale timescale ProtectionTargetprotectiontarget
Area Classification areaclassification Purpose of Sampling Pointsamplingpointpurpose
Assessment Threshold Exceedance assessmentthresholdexceedance Quality control and assurance on CDRcdrqaqc
Assessment Types assessmenttype Regional dispersion situationdispersionregional
Environmental objective combinations environmentalobjective Reporting Levelreportinglevel
EquivalenceDemonstrated equivalencedemonstrated Reporting Metricreportingmetric
Exceedance metric in attainmentexceedancemetric Result Quality of observations / models for AQ Reportingresultquality
Exceedance Reason exceedancereason Sampling Equipmentsamplingequipment
Exposure Reduction Target exposurereductiontarget Sampling Methodssamplingmethod
Local dispersion situation dispersionlocal Spatial model resolutionmodelresolution
MainEmissionSources emissionsource Specific encoding of results provided (inline/external)resultencoding
Measurement Equipment measurementequipment Specific format of results providedresultformat
Measurement Methods measurementmethod Station Classificationstationclassification
Measurement Type measurementtype Time Extension Typestimeextensiontypes
Meteo parameter meteoparameter Time Unitstimeunit
Model application modelapplication Time Zone – used for aggregated data & statisticstimezone
Model characteristics PLEASE USE modelparametermodelcharacteristics Validity of Aggregated Dataaggregatevalidity
Model Input – PLEASE USE modelparametermodelinput

Checks and validation of zone geometries